Huron County Health Unit, Beach Testing 2006

E.coli bacteria per 100 mL of water

In accordance with Province of Ontario standards, samples are taken at five different spots at a beach, and the geometric mean of those five samples is computed. The Province considers that a geometric mean of 100 or less for the day's five samples is acceptable.

Note: The geometic mean (the nth root of the product of n values) minimizes the effect of large values that are present in the data. One of the international Blue Flag beach criteria is that no more than 20% of the samples may be above 100.

Summary statistics

Note: Camp Kintail and Bogies Beach are not public beaches. HCHU has historically sampled Bogies Beach so that it can compare its data to the samples taken by the Provincial Park.

days/samples 19/95 25/125 19/95 21/105 14/70 16/80
minimum, all samples 10 10 10 10 10 10
geo.mean of daily geo.means 77 40 89 52 25 27
geo.mean of daily maximums 115 73 126 83 44 41
average, all samples 412 96 271 107 55 56
maximum, all samples 6400 830 1800 500 470 330
Blue Flag % of samples >100 44% 31% 46% 42% 10% 4%

Compiled 2007-06-16 by Roger Watt, ACLA Steering Committee. We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of HCHU in providing the daily data so that we could compute these summary statistics. Last updated 2007-08-13.